Monday, September 9, 2013

From a Desk Job to a Hiking Job, and Hiking Mount St. Helens

Today on the hiking blog we have a story about a man who did a 180, going from a desk job as an engineer to a hiking guide at Rocky Mountain National Park. Needless to say, Tom Dewitz is happy with his decisionClick here to read his story in the Wall Street Journal.

Speaking of career changes, I've been through a few myself. I was once a DJ at a rock 'n' roll station in North Carolina. I happened to be on the air when Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980, so I was the first to disseminate the news to the, ahem, scores of people who might have been listening to my show.

I was reminded of that moment in history when I saw this story about hiking at Mount St. Helens. I've seen the volcano from a distance while on a trip to Washington state, and I've always wanted to go back and hike it. Just got to figure out when.

You know, there are just too many places we all want to go. It would take me many years to check off everything on my travel list. 

Hopefully, however, we can help you with your list. Ever wanted to hike in Switzerland, Vermont, Nevada or the Blue Ridge? Those are our destinations in 2014. Click here to find out more.

See you on the trails.

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