Hiking trips are the same. Take Switzerland, for example. Obviously, it's a ski destination in the winter, but when is the best time of year to explore those wonderful Alpine mountain trails?
My answer: early-to-mid July. Spring is too early. too wet and too slippery. It takes half of the calendar year for the annual snows to melt on many of the nicer trails. By July, the temperatures have warmed and the trails are more manageable.
That's not to say it won't rain _ or snow _ during a July hike. I've seen both, but a spate of bad weather here or there is a small price to pay for the gorgeous views.
The trails start to get busier in late July because of the school holiday schedule in Europe. The good hiking season usually runs all the way through September, weather permitting, of course.
These photos are from our hiking trip to Switzerland last year, July 2012. We discovered new trails and some awesome new sites.
We'd love to share those with you. Just think, one year from now you could be hiking the Swiss Alps with us. We recently announced our hiking schedule for 2014, and it includes an 11-day trip to Switzerland from July 8-18. Visit this link (http://myhikingvacations.com/schedule/switzerland/) for the details and see what you think.

See you on the trails,

See you on the trails,